Dienstag, 3. März 2015

Lancer Frigate = first blog

This is my first blog-post what so ever, please have mercy^^.
I am a hobby-3D Modelling/Animtor and create (whoa who would have guessed that ) 3D models and animations in my free time.

The first thing i will show here is my recent Model of a Lancer Frigate out of Star Wars:

Information about the Lancer Frigate:
It was mainly build and used as an Anti-Fighter/Bomber platform to grant bigger ships (such as the Star Destroyer) a better protection against those small crafts.
The need for such a ship was obvious after the destruction of the first Deathstar by Luke Skywalker.
This ship was equipted with 20 Quad-Laser Cannons, the same Modell as the one used on the Milenium Falcon, although unmodified and made for Imperial usage.

The main disadvantages the Lancer suffered from was the (compared to its size and equipment) high production cost and that the Lancer wasnt able to handle ships of the similar sice by its own, because of the "small" weaponary made to take out Figther crafts.

Lenght: 250 Meters
Width: 57 Meters
Hight: 60 Meters
Shieldtype: Deflector Shields
Crew: 875
Weapons: 20 AG-2G Quad Laser Cannons

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